Hotline and fully outsourced IT solution support
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Once an IS has been created that satisfies all business goals and is accessible, effective and fully cyber secure, an important question arises: who will maintain and service the new system, and how? Given the complexity of modern ISs, this question is critical. Effectively servicing a system requires qualified staff who can continually monitor all components and respond quickly to any issues, providing replacement components where necessary.

Our team can provide a full range of IS maintenance services, from replacing equipment to completely outsourcing a firm’s IT infrastructure.

Ad hoc maintenance

We offer IS and technical maintenance services on an ad hoc basis.

Our offer includes:

  • inspection services (for ISs only)
  • expert customer service advice (for ISs only)
  • installation, configuration and customization of hardware and software
  • installation of additional hardware and software components as well as updates to existing software.

In order to minimize risks when upgrading and installing new hardware and software, our service technicians can simulate this process in our test lab.

Routine maintenance

In order to help organizations and enterprises respond in a timely and efficient manner to changes in ISs and technical equipment, we offer routine maintenance services for IT infrastructure.

As part of the offer, all incoming maintenance requests are assigned a priority level. This minimizes the time required to restore a malfunctioning IS and improves service quality.

The cost of one routine IS maintenance procedure is usually lower than the total cost of several ad hoc maintenance requests.

Our offer includes the following services:

  • access to a hotline to contact our experts, as well as obtain data support from software manufacturers
  • installation and configuration of software and hardware components as well as emergency software upgrades to restore malfunctioning systems
  • solutions to any problems arising during the installation of hardware and software and work to ensure components from different manufacturers work together seamlessly
  • prevention of malfunctions through the installation of additional hardware and software, updates and preventative maintenance based on expert advice